Aura- The very common and quite obvious symptoms of having migraine
attack is aura. The auras due to migraine are visual like you would see
flickering lines, spots and lights. Aggravated line would also be experienced
that would go in the curved direction. They can also last for five minutes to
one hour for the pain would set at the place. Its not that migraines would
placed without aura.
and Mood swings- Person with migraines deal with
depression suddenly and that happens without presence of any specific reason. Some
even feel over excited too and that is due to genetic link between the depression
and migraines. This change in thoughts would leave a person with sudden mood
changes as well.
Nights- A symptom of the migraine that leaves you
more likely to look for patanjali ayurvedic medicine for migraine is sleepless nights. It keeps the patients
wake up tired as not getting sound sleep. Studies done over the facts said that
there is a link between lack of restorative sleep and frequent migraine attacks
when the migraine hits, then one feels hard to feel asleep at night and that is
a numb pain in the head. The inability to sleep give start to the vicious cycle
and that would give invite to another migraine attack.
Watery eyes and stuffy nose- Some people have migraine attack left sinus symptoms and would have
stuffy nose, watery eyes, tearing and clear nasal drainage. A study said that
about 90% of patients of sinus headaches were having migraines.
Throbbing pain on the both sides of the head- It is true that migraine attack would end with pain to one side of the head but even after having throbbing pain it can be felt to the both sides of the head.
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