Monday, 28 March 2016

Divya Putrajeevak Beej: Best of All Natural Remedies for Infertility Problem in Female

With the growing phase of globalization; the infertility rate has also increased. Most of the cases of infertility arise due to too much intake of contraception pills to avoid pregnancy; environmental pollution and other issue related to the reproduction system of a woman. Doctors suggest various types of medicines which claim to bring you out of this problem and bless with a child of your own. Most of these turn out to be vague and some with serious side effects like growing obese. Natural remedies are always considered bets for use as they do not cause any side effects. Divya Putrajeevak Beej is one such Ayurvedic product which claims to provide the best of all natural remedies for infertility.

Symptoms arising from Infertility

Infection in the uterus; cists; irregular menstruation; abnormal swelling in the abdomen during menstruation; excessive bleeding; tenderness of the breast; are all the major causes which leads to infertility. Divya pharmacy’s Putrajeevak Beej is very useful to cure such problems by helping in the normal growth of the tissues and cells of the reproductive organs. It contributes to the delaying of the ageing process and the issues which they give birth to. With all the essential nutrients involved in its ingredients; this Ayurvedic product helps a lady to lead a healthy life.

Booster for the Reproductive organs

This herbal multipurpose medicine ensures nourishment for the Uterus and strengthens the muscles of the ovaries. Available in the market; 1 bottle of Divya Putrajeevak Beej costs only $11. It promises to cure all sort of problems related to infertility eliminating the unnecessary toxic elements causing harm to the uterus. As a one of the best natural remedies for infertility; Putrajeevak Beej renders protection to the vagina from any sort of unwanted infections creating a protective shield preventing the foreign microbes from entering it.

Benefits of using Putrajeevak Beej

Helping in the delaying of the ageing process; this completely Ayurvedic medicine is the best to prevent the bodily changes that takes place after menopause. It ensures protection to the body from obesity; darkening if the skin tones; inflammation of the bones and joints; hair loss, mental stress and pressure and many more; which arise from hormonal changes after menopause. Menopause also brings along with it changes to your physical appearance. Divya Putrajeevak Beej helps in controlling such ageing traits making you look younger hiding your actual age. With the regular use of this medicine; you can get rid of all such problems within a very few days.

Miscellaneous uses that you derive from its use

Before it gets too late; it is mandatory to take up steps to prevent such ailments. Divya Putrajeevak Beej helps in the nourishment of the reproductive system by stimulating the proper functioning of the organs. It helps in attaining a regular menstrual cycle controlling abnormal blood flow and acute pain in the abdominal region. Nausea, vomiting and pain the body are other related problems one face during menstruation. This Ayurvedic product helps in getting over with such problems helping a lady to lead a healthy lifestyle. Being free from causing any side effects; Divya Putrajeevak Beej is considered safe and very effective for use.

Tuesday, 22 March 2016

How Patanjali Medicine for Erectile Dysfunction Can Be Helpful

Stressful lifestyle these days has affected the quality of a human life to a great extent. Heart diseases, strokes, BP problem, tumor are some of the common yet noticeable problems that are faced by many people. Erectile dysfunction is a common issue which is faced by men due to depression, excess stress and unhealthy lifestyle as well. There is no exact cure to deal with this problem but looking at the increasing signs of the issue, it can certainly be controlled down. Patients who have erectile dysfunction face premature ejaculation which can pretty be embarrassing and awkward for them. Although there are treatment options available but it comes with side effects. At such time, patanjali medicine can be effective.

Common Symptoms of Erectile Dysfunction:

Usually doctors don’t necessary perform any further diagnostic test after patient tells about the symptoms. There are some of the most common symptoms that are noted down and for which quick action must be taken. Your body starts getting weak, you always feel tired, it becomes a problem for you to maintain the erection for long, your sexual desire reduces and erection becomes pretty frequent in the morning. Patanjali medicine for erectile dysfunction focuses on curing these symptoms and thus allows the patient live a normal stress free life.

Know more about Patanjali Medicine:

Patanjali medicines introduced by Ramdev Baba targets only those areas that disturb the human life. These medicines are completely safe and easy to use. It ensures that the problem gets cured from the root and does not occur again. These medicines include only herbal ingredients which cures the problem naturally. It ideally targets the physiological and psychological that is the root cause of such issue. Ashwashila is the most common ingredient which you will find in most of the patanjali medicines that are used for treating sexual diseases. It not only cures sexual problem but also focuses on physical weakness, low immunity, stress, diabetes and depression too.

Benefits of Patanjali Medicine

Patanjali medicine for erectile dysfunction along with treating sexual problems also helps to release the mental issues. Thus, people who have depression and stress are also recommended to use such type of medicine. It also boosts up the immunity system of the body and gives necessary strength that is required to deal with daily issues. Smoking, alcohol, and unhealthy living are the prime factors affecting the human health. Such medicine helps to reduce other severe illness such as diabetes, arthritis, and asthma and gout problem.

Although patanjali medicine for erectile dysfunction can prove to be an effective remedy but you need to make some efforts from your end as well. Say goodbye to alcohol ad smoking. Try to inculcate healthy workout in your routine life. Look for some better options like yoga and meditation to deal with regular stress problem. Follow some healthy changes on a regular basis and see the difference. With the right medicinal course and effective changes in lifestyle, you can certainly kick out such dysfunctional issue.

Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Foods Would Sounds Better If Would Called Natural Viagra

Having a better and healthy sexual life actually matters a lot for having complete happiness and for the well-being of a couple as well. Today quite a huge number of issues are there which are fading the charm and spice between couples which is required for having a complete pleasure on bed. Sometimes, low energy and desire to make love is there, but no worries as the problem can be cured with using Patanjali products for sexual health. Even some of the products are also there in your kitchen as well so support you well on bed. 

Chocolate- Chocolate can be used in your favor in many forms of enhancement of libido and in fact better sexual drive as well and those who consume the same on regular basis would have felt a new excitement, passion and love in them.  Dark chocolate have cocoa that is chemical called phenylethlamine help in stimulation of wellbeing and love. On the same time, this is source of antioxidants that can build up the immune system and maintains the overall health. So, you can enjoy the dark chocolate servings anytime a day.

Pumpkin seeds- Pumpkin seed are one of the finest foods helpful for boost up female fertility and men’s libido as well. This the great source of health beneficial nutrients like Vitamins B, C, D, E and K and contained with potassium, zinc, calcium and phosphorus as well and collectively all proves to be helpful for better sexual drive and libido as well. Zinc is possibly quite necessary for testoterone products that are male hormone, needed for healthy sperm count. 

Watermelons- Searches said that watermelon is like a natural Viagra which is quite helpful for boost up the sexual drive and libido in men. Regular consumption of the watery fruit would offer amino acid citrulline helpful for relaxation of blood vessels and arteries and in short would provide with better sexual drive as well. The foodie treatments are quite helpful to give support the Patanjali products for sexual health. So, next time, when you and your partner are planning to raise temperature between sheets then start that with the glass of refreshing juice of watermelon which would provide you extra boost of energy.

Ginger- Ginger is the most common spice for every kitchen and even it have an important place in Ayurveda due to its sexual benefits and also ability in treating various ranges of diseases as well. When one consumes ginger then it gives way to increased blood flow throughout the body and on the same time raises the body temperature and sexual organs sensitivity as well. Collectively all the things are reason or enhanced sexual drive and libido. Its consumption would provide you with prior energy need for better sexual performance and for lovemaking for complete satisfaction of both the partners. So, you can enjoy a few small ginger pieces or can even have a cup of ginger tea before you are going to do perform on bed because would does the task for you without much efforts.

Sunday, 28 February 2016

Common Brushing Mistakes That Almost All of us Does

For huge number of people, brushing the teeth is just a responsibility or better we can say that a habit that have to be made once in morning and then at night before going to sleep. Even this habit at the young age is told to perform subconsciously. Just two times brushing a day is satisfactory teeth care routine, do you agree with same? As in aces, you are not indulged in the  serious oral and dental care or not using tooth powder for healthy teeth then would definitely caught with gum diseases and cavities. Also, here given is the list of common teeth brushing mistakes but can also be avoided easily. So, no point of delaying, but have to start with oral care preferably avoiding these mistakes.

Not Brushing for enough Period of time- It is been taught since childhood that one should have to brush the teeth for  two minutes slowly for priory two times in a day but when you would ignore then  gives way to build up of plaque and that enhances the risk of gum diseases and other issues. Usually the mistakes are made by commonly with people. The idea is to brush your teeth properly and two minutes would not allow you to clean the teeth properly. Just be sure you would have cleaned each and every area of the teeth thoroughly. For purpose, you can divide the mouth in quarters and spend at least 30 seconds for each section with using tooth powder for healthy teeth to ensure proper cleaning is done.

Not Caring about The Toothbrush- This is the most common mistake that is made by millions of people actually. So, when you are going to choose the toothbrush then firstly you have to consider the size of the mouth. If you would take too wider toothbrush then the strain would be there on the mouth at the time of opening. Choose a brush that would comfortable while opening the mouth and while brushing as well so that you can use it properly. A comfortable brush should not just comfortable for mouth but for hand as well. Even experts have a believe that people who uses proper fitting manual toothbrush would have better oral health compared to those who are using electric toothbrush.

Too Often Brush Or Using Hard Brushing Or Hard Moves On Teeth- Brushing the teeth for three times in a day is ideal tooth care plan to follow but in case, you would brush for more than 3 times then would able to harm the teeth. Excessive brushing exposed the tooth’s root and makes the gums gets irritated. Brushing too hard is may hurt the enamel layer over teeth that is meant there to protect the teeth from fall. So, be sure you would have brushed the teeth gently for 2-3 times in a day and the time duration should be less than five minutes but be sure you would have cleaned the each and every section inside the mouth.

Tuesday, 23 February 2016

How High Blood Pressure Affects Bad To Your Health?

A survey said that one in every 10 people today is dealing with hypertension or high blood pressure. Have you ever noticed whenever you visited the physician for any of the health complaints then first thing they do, is to check your blood pressure, have you ever thought why this is a must thing to do because there is a link of elevating blood pressure to the functioning of whole body. A person would require natural treatment and remedies for high blood pressure if consistently have high blood pressure for months or even in some cases for years. The saddest part is the whole condition would be there without presence of any of the symptoms for same as well.

What is Hypertension?

High blood pressure or hypertension, whatever we can say but it is the most common health issue throughout the world and having the same leaves bad effects to the blood vessels and heart. Blood pressure is pressure in the arteries at the time of blood pumping round the body. A sphygmomanometer can measure the number. This is recorded in two numbers with millimetres of mercury (mmHg) and 120/80 mmHg is considerably a normal blood pressure where 120 or high number is called systolic blood pressure and it shows the arteries’ pressure when heart squeezes blood out at the time of every beat and the 80 that is lower number is diastolic blood pressure shows the pressure when heart relaxes between the two beats.

What is normal blood pressure count?

Normal blood pressure is 120/80 mmHg and when the blood pressure would be 130-39/ 89-99 then considerably as the pre hypertension stage. The count which goes higher than 180/110 is considerably believed as the high blood pressure and it should have come to normal with natural treatment and remedies for high blood pressure.

What are after effects of high blood pressure?

If the blood pressure is higher or not controlled then it might leave you possibly with so many health conditions like heart stroke, heart failure and kidney failure as well. So, to keep you safe from all of the ill-effects necessity here is to keep check your blood pressure on regular basis. The risk would go more in case, you would have family history of high blood pressure or heart diseases.

What keep you dragged to this situation?

Quite a huge number of factors are responsible for this health condition and the main highlight is heredity. If it is running in your family then risk is much higher. Also, the condition usually affects the person who ages 40 or more. The older age has, increased the risk even higher and your sex doesn’t matter in this way, reason, high blood pressure makes the arteries harden. Also, those who are overweight or obese have to deal more with the case. Some lifestyle factors like too much salt consumption and high alcohol consumption enhances your risks to height.

Thursday, 18 February 2016

Fastest Solutions to Get Able To Lose Fast Weight

Extra 50 pounds over the body are make you look like a ball of fat and so every person wants to shed as quickly as possible and would definitely agree to do whatever can do for that. To get the goal of losing 50 pounds one should have to make some efforts. Some are easy and some are crucial but the ways that are mentioned below are what that can make you able to lose fast. Drinking divya herbal peya tea for weight loss is able to add ease to the plan and possibly can easily do two times at home.

Milk should be Non-fat and in Powdered Form- There is nutritional product skim milk which can provide you benefits as are rich in calcium and less in calories. But if you use non-fat powdered milk then you will get same benefits as water has been removed and the powdered foam of the milk can’t dilute the coffee in the way the skim milk do.

Take Cereals as a Breakfast for Five Days a Week- Some of the studies said that people who eat cereals as a breakfast are less likely to be diabetic or obese as compare to those who don’t take. Also, they took fiber and calcium in place of fat so less calories.

Your Portion should be in Pare- It’s on you that rather you are taking your meal in restaurant or at home, you have to remove the 1/3 of the food from your plate. If we don’t eat in portions then we eat more and more food than the body needs and that extra count of calories results in fats and make you obese. So, does one thing serve food less so that you will be able to eat less food.

Eat at Home- When you would eat roadside or restaurant meals then you are more likely to eat food that is high in fat and calories. In today’s time restaurants serve the foods in large portions and that results in extra eating.

Eat Slowly- You have to eat slowly and for that you have to put the spoon and fork down between every bite. You can also talk and share some stories with whom you are eating. By this way, your mind lags the stomach by 20 minutes and gave you the signal that you are full. Also, slow eating can make your mind there is no need of food now. Drinking divya herbal peya tea for weight loss should be considerably taken for two times in a day for better results.

Don’t Eat if You are not Hungry- You must have tact of recognizing the hunger call of the stomach and should eat only when you are hungry not when there is urge of eating something. Many a times you eat food when you are feeling low, bore or there is any habit or frustration. That is the reason many of the people have actually forgot what the actual call of a hungry stomach is. So, you have to wait until you get a call from stomach for food. Also, you have to find some ways that can overcome your boredom, habit or frustration. For example, maximum people used to prepare the favourite desert for any memorable occasion. On this place, you can prepare a photo album for that as it will memorable too and also will make you away from extra food.

Friday, 12 February 2016

It’s Possible to Live a Risk Free Life with Hypertension

Hypertension or high blood pressure is a leading health problem faced by millions of men and women throughout the world. This is commonly can be detected easily with the signs but many people having a believe that once you have diagnosed with hypertension then for life you have to have manage your life with same but actuality is different because possibly natural treatment and remedies for high blood pressure can make the life possible with condition and also take steps in treating and further preventing the issue. An untreated condition is possibly leaves you with lethal complications.  

What is hypertension (high blood pressure)- When the blood pressure count is more than 140/90 mmHg. Then the possibly you are diagnosed with hypertension. When one is diagnosed with the health condition then possibly in a month three different readings would have been collected before confirming the issue and in case all the three readings are higher than 140/90 then labelled as hypertensive. This is called silent killer because without leaving much symptoms it can leave too much damage to the body and even before the symptoms appear. An untreated condition is nothing but the low quality of life, disability and in worst case a heart attack. Good part is with some lifestyle changes along with natural treatment and remedies for , one can be able to keep a check to the life threating complications.

Different causes and types

Primary hypertension- This condition have 90-95% chances that can travel to you genetically

Secondary Hypertension- The condition is there due to some definite causes:

1.       Endocrine cause
2.       Renal causes
3.       Some arterial causes, hypercalcemia or due to in taking any drug

What are the risk factors?
  • Hereditary issues are the leading  reason for having  hypertension
  • Your lifestyle plays culprit for the condition so people eat more frozen foods or fatty items, does less exercise and the diet have low antioxidant and nutrients are at huge risk of having hypertension
  • Obesity, excessive sodium intake, too much alcohol consumptions
  • Smoking
  • Older age
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • High lipids in blood
  • ECG changes
  • Heart enlargement

Signs and symptoms- Usually the condition is present without any subtle symptoms but still people who are having the condition feels a pain in their back of head, palpitation, giddiness, buzzing and hissing in ears, fatigue, sometimes goes faint. Some of the people in fact feels a kind of discomfort in chest and feels difficulty in breathing especially at the time of erection. People with the secondary causes of hypertension get the symptoms of their particular disease.

Complications with different body parts:

Heart- Angina, heart attack, heart failure and enlargement of heart
Eyes- Blindness or difficulty with vision
Kidneys- Kidney scarring or failure
Brain- Stroke, haemorrhage, dementia and mild cognitive impairment
Males- Sexual problems (regarding erections, sperm count or sperm motility)
Female- Complications in pregnancy, miscarriage risk, risk of life for mother and baby in womb.

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Yoga Practices to Be Made For Getting Treated With Hernia

Hernia is a medical condition which usually required getting surgeries as the final treatment option to cure it properly. Possibly that is the option but possibly left the patient with quite a huge number of side effects then the necessity is to make use of natural solutions for keeping the condition at bay and on the same time, would not offer any bad effects and a name of natural composition is Divya Vridhivadhika vati for hernia treatment as offers with vital benefits. Also, to get the better and faster results you can try out yoga practise which would possibly help you in lessening the annoying symptoms of the condition.

A link between hernia and yoga- Yoga hernia exercise are effective and useful treatment plan which should be definitely chosen by the people who wanted to get rid of the issue but on the same time don’t want to go with the surgery as their option because more than 30% of people who have gone through the hernia surgery have left with the lifetime pain and uneasiness even after successful surgery is done. So, it is definitely worth to choose the option beyond surgery and the name is not different than yoga poses.

Yoga Poses To Be Tried For Hernia Treatment

Pavanmuktasana- To do try, lie down straight on your back. Keep the right knee close to the chest area. Now, hold it using your hands for the count of 5. Slowly release to take it rest. Make repetition of same with left leg. Make about 10 repetitions of same in 2-3 sets as per your stamina. Then you need to relax completely. This would help in offering better blood circulation to all internal organs and make stimulation of nerves as well. Giving the yoga pose a support of Divya vridhivadhika vati for hernia treatment would complement each other and make help in treatment task done better.

Uddiyan in shavasana- Lie down on your back and bend your legs. Breathe in and then push out the abdomen as possible when breathe out. Again pull stomach in, when breathe in. Make 10 repeats of same. Now, rest in shavasahana. Making regular practice would give strength to abdominal muscles and make the bowel movements easier.

Utthan padasana hands on hernia- Lie down on your back. Place the arms on hernia region. Now, try to raise both your legs in upwards direction for up to 30-40 degrees. Hold on position, for 10 counts of breathe. Then slowly back to original position and breathing should be normal while doing the same. When you are done with 10 repeats, then place the feet slowly on the floor. The whole process would be done patiently so no jerks would be placed. Now, you can feel relax. It is one hernia asanas not just helpful for condition of hernia but also makes help in lessening the collection of fat, strengthens and stretches the abdominal muscles and offers relief from constipation. 

Sunday, 7 February 2016

Simply Magical Foods Actually Help in Losing Weight

When one is gaining weight or having increased fat in body then the whole fault is been given to the faulty foods. Faulty foods are what they are high in calories and considerably sugary and fatty foods are at the top of the list but as some foods can go against with you, on the same time there are some of the foods like high nutritional foods or herbal solution including divya peya herbal tea for weight loss so can does the work in favor of you. 

Foods that Burn Fat 

Eggs- Eggs are rich in protein and also miracle food for those having unwanted fat around belly. Some people have a thought that if they eat they will definitely suffer from high cholesterol which is not true. Some studies conclude that dietary cholesterol has very minimal impact over blood cholesterol. The real problem came from dietary fat which raise the cholesterol level. There is also a solution of that problem; those who are worried from cholesterol can eat egg without yolk. Egg also has Vitamin B12 which is good for breaking down fat cells.

Dairy with less Fat- You can take non-fat yogurt and low fat milk 3-4 times a day as these are low fat dairy product and hence help you to lose about 70% more fat. A study says that the person who consume 3 cups of fat free milk are able to gain less weight over the 2 years compare to low calcium diets. Also, dairy foods are known for their bones strengthening value and also they help to burn fat. Another magical drink that you can also incorporate in your diet chart is divya peya herbal tea for weight loss.

Beans- Beans are great source of proteins, fiber and iron. Some of the health beneficial beans are kidney beans, navy beans, white beans and lima beans. On the other hand, you should control intake of refined and baked beans in your diet as refined beans has saturated fats and the baked beans are full of sugar. There is no doubt that you will get proteins from these beans too but you will also get these dangerous things too from the beans.

Olive Oil- Olive oil is a good fat which your body needs. It helps the body to burn fat and also helps to lower down the cholesterol level. The oil is great source of monosaturated fats (a fat which is health beneficial to one’s health according to researchers). If you have one ounce of extra virgin olive oil then you will get 86% of monounsaturated fat. So, if you are drinking orange juice in the morning then stop taking this and replace it with extra virgin olive oil.

Apples- It is a well-known quote “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” and this is true too. It not only keeps you away from diseases but also helpful in cutting down extra calories from body. Apples have soluble fiber named pectin. 

Lean cuts of meat- Beef and turkey are good for those who want to build up their muscles and also want to boost the immune system but should take a look to the intake of that as the turkeys are loaded with fatty substances and beefs are full of saturated fat. So, if you are choosing them, then take the leanest cuts of them.

Friday, 22 January 2016

Foods to Satisfy Your Taste and Your Sexual Desire Too

Is your sexual life often faces ups and downs? Do you have feelings that the pleasure is not there or you won’t be able to make connection with the partner? Then no need to feel low or get done because below mentioned ideas are helpful to get you in mood and also it make help in satisfying your taste bud. The food list mentioned here is high with nutritional content and so one can able to live a healthy sexual life and on the same time it also benefits your overall health with body and mind. So, one has to depend over the foods which are time tested natural remedies to increase female libido. You have to does just one task, that you should include small portions of these foods in your daily diet chart and make adjustments as per that.

Get spark in relationship with the libido boosters
Asparagus- It is well known for their magical and quite healthy benefits. Asparagus is high in Vitamin B which is believed to be must required for having a healthy sexual drive. It make enhancement in histamine production, which is a critically desired for healthy sexual drive. This delicious vegetable is helpful to kick start the sex life for both men and women. So, add that in your daily diet for a sexy night. 

Watermelon- Huge number of doctors prefers consuming the watermelon high effective as have Viagra like effects. It also works on blood vessels to quickly boost up the libido. If you feel that you need to be get in mood, then have a bowl of watermelon and then you will be ready violent libido same night.

Chillies- The chilli peppers are known for their hotness in taste but very few people know that they can bring hotness to the sexual life. It contained with capsaicin which is the reason it is hot in taste but the capsaicin also gives way to release of chemicals which would support you with great heart rate and release the endorphins on the same time as well. Endorphins are required to keep you high in sexual desire. All these things would collectively offer you with energy and so you would desire more.

Avocados- Avocados is new in the list but quite likely can say that came in light from last few years as one of the highly effective natural remedies to increase female libido. Avocados are a testicle fruit that is capable to keep you in mod with less period of time.

Chocolates- To boost up mood in your bedroom, necessarily you need to satisfy the sweet tooth but with a pieces of chocolate, chocolate is contained with antioxidants that are in more count that red wine and have stimulating chemical like phenylethlamine. The same chemical can able to stimulate you with more excitement and so you would done the best to heat up things. Even studies would have proved the fact by saying that men who consume piece of chocolate have more pleasurable sex compared to those who don’t have that.

What you need to know About Paediatric Kidney Defects

The kidneys plays vital role in making done the essential functions of body, as it does work like filtering system. Along with keeping control over the water levels it also washes the wastes through the urine. When all the functions are doing great then would have regulated blood pressure, proper production of red blood cell along with levels of minerals and calcium as well but at the time when kidney is not working properly then the task is to look for natural medicine for kidney disease treatment, so, all the functions would work well. Usually genetics issues are the reason for your problem.

How and when the problem diagnosed?- Most of the kidney disorders are usually diagnosed even before the birth of the child when the prenatal testing would be done. Surgeries and medicines are the great option which you can adopt for the same when the child is still young. Sometimes, additional factors like UTIs, hypertension and growth issues are additional issues that take place when the condition is left untreated.

How to gets its paediatric kidneys problems?- In children, more than 70% of cases of kidney problems are due to tubulointerstitial disease and have some obvious symptoms like haematuria (red blood cells in the urine), edema(swelling) and hypertensionas well. Some other common indications that would make you sure that in near future possibly, you have to look for natural medicine for kidney disease treatment includes lack of or less appetite and headaches which are there due to hypertension, mild swelling on hands, feet and puffiness around the eyes due to excessive fluid build-up is another reason or you issue. So child in that case would not be able to make movements. When there is initial swelling, belt, socks or any bit tight cloth fitting would leave aindentation in the skin that can persist.

Additional symptoms to look for- Some of the kids due to the condition would have flu like symptoms and would have weakness, nausea, loss of appetite, vomiting. The growth is not that as per the other children are of the same age group. Children with ESRD, should have to keep the appetite because for transplant necessarily have to depend over the growth of child. Child feels low urges of urination. Some of them infact used to start bedwetting even the habit was not there ever before. The color of the urine often changes to red or unusually dark, that gives you indication that might have present with blood. Sometimes the same appearance ofthe urine is there due to excessive protein formation.

Causes- When the parents’firstly gets to know that their child is dealing with kidney issues then they would have done the best to prevent the issue. It is quite common feeling. In most of the cases, one can’t be able to do nothing to put full stop on the increasing issue but the idea that would work is to get the exact cause for same and get proper treatments as per that. Mostly common known cause for the issue includes birth defects.